
Showing posts from October, 2022

Personal Identity

PERSONAL IDENTITY David Gauntlett - Identity Theory According to David Gauntlett's theory of Personal Identity a person's identity is determined by their environment and that they only gained some of their current identity from media. It is also said in his theory that there are 4 factors in his theory that feed in to the personality choosing factor which is Fluidity, Constructed, Negotiated and Collective. Fluidity: People don't have fixed identity that is permanent  Constructed: The mass media constructs identities in the representation it offers us. These representations have a subtle influence on audience. Negotiated: How do we negotiate the various influences (real vs reel persona). Collective: Fandoms, or the sense of belonging to a sector of a media audience, group identity. (Personal relationships U&G). 1. We get SOME of our identity from the media 2. In the past, representation were simple.     Now, representations are more complex Gender Sexuality Health And...

Agenda setting/Framing- Indonesian Case Study

  The president was in a meeting with Palestine PM Shattey How is was framed: The story was portrayed to be a good thing it was described to be some sort of friendship or bonding time between the two which would reduce any tension that was between the 2 countries before.

Research post

The rest of history: 1066 Don Snow's History Hit: 1066  You are dead to me: The history of chocolate Always sunny podcast: The sweet cream of justice Always sunny podcast: Sweet Dee has a Heart attack ???: Pod save America Slow burn: Get married or go home You are dead to me: Medieval Christmas


1st idea Genre : True crime / Parody / Slightly comedic Topic: why do [Insert grade] get a lot of red notes Theme: buzz feed unsolved/current affairs  Number of speakers: 3 Include interviews: yes Sound effects: eerie Types of interviewees: Students Scripted: Mixed 2nd idea Genre: Comedy / Society Topic: Our experiences at school Theme: Casual talk Number of speaker: 3 Include interviews: yes Sound effects: comical Types of interviewees: Teachers, Students, Staff members, School teams, etc. Scripted: No 3rd idea Genre: Topic: Theme: Number of speakers: Include interviews: Sound effects: Types of interviewees:  Scripted:

The Voice Post Colonialism

  Post Colonialism-The Voice Background: The Voice, founded in 1982, is a British national African-Caribbean newspaper operating in the United Kingdom. The paper is based in London and was published every Thursday until 2019 when it became monthly. It is available in a paper version by subscription and also online. What is the Audience: The audience of this spesific newspaper company is the African-Caribbean community of the United Kingdom. Link:

Podcast Diary

 Podcast diary Week #1:  (7th October 2022) This week we decided to make a survey for our podcast to ask the students and to get us general idea of our topic. Toyota is now a(n) (un)official gender. We decided the topic to be about school (maybe). Week #2 (14th October 2022) This week we evaluated the survey We worked on our ideas We (somewhat) wrote a script We made a 2nd idea Week 3# (21st October 2022) We took some research into some more podcasts Pod Save America We broke down medieval Christmas by your dead to me The always sunny podcast called Sweet Dee has a heart attack was also broken down here Mr. Nick told us what the up coming weeks will bring We recorded some voice lines for the podcast We assigned roles to one another And funni ???: Pod Save America Starting:  Starts with an advert/sponsor Explains product Coupons End of advert Intro song Host introduction Topic introduction Scripted Your dead to me: Medieval Christmas Starting: Sponsor/Special thanks/B...

Post colonialism

Paul Gilroy Post colonialism is the way that history affected media and it's representation on a spesific group of people. This is due to colonization ending by the time World War II ended which affected the influence  of the European countries, this would then lead to them portraying themselves as the good guys while simultaneously praying on the "others" and portraying them as evil savages to increase their influence over the media. Case study practice: 'The media condition the way we think' To what extent do you agree with this statement? Due to technological convergence we tend to spend more time in the media consuming it's contents, and because of technological convergence we can do this much easier due to the existence of the internet and streaming platforms for a much cheaper price. This leads into the next part of the essay which will talk about the human belief and how easy they are changed or reinforced by the media. An example of this can be seen in...