



Definition (60 words)

Case Study (60 words)

Media Ownership/Regulation


Mass media regulations are rules enforced by the jurisdiction of law. Guidelines for media use differ across the world.

In the UK there is a TV broadcasting company named OFCOM that regulates all content in the British Broadcasting media. They cannot regulate the Tv show until it has been released and complained about by the people, after all that is done they will regulate the part that is being complained about in the TV show. There is also a Watershed period that lasts from 5:30 A.M - 10:00 P.M in which sensitive content cannot be aired.



Media synergy is the impact of using a cross-media approach to engage the target audience. This strategy is used by most companies involved in the cultural industries.

Cross Media Convergence

Henry Jenkins

Henry Jenkins argues that media convergence goes beyond a mere technological shift, insisting that it also represents a shift in industrial, cultural, and social paradigms, where consumers are encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among dispersed media content.

New Media

Pierre Levy

New media is any media from newspaper articles and blogs to music and podcasts that are delivered digitally.

Spotify is an example of new media as it allows people to listen to music from anywhere in the world as the music is delivered to the user digitally.

Agenda Setting

Dr.Maxwell McCombs & Dr.Donald Lewis Shaw



US Law: Section 230


Technological Convergence 

Henry Jenkins

Hegemonic Groups


Moral Panic

Stanley Cohen


Jean Baudrillard


Paul Gilroy


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